Neuroscience articles, with special emphasis on Alzheimer’s disease.
- We Just Got More Evidence Our Leading Hypothesis About Alzheimer’s Could Be Wrong
- Objective subtle cognitive difficulties predict amyloid accumulation and neurodegeneration
- Which Comes First, Cognitive Problems Or Beta-amyloid Plaques?
Amyloid Accumulation Doesn’t Always Precede Cognitive Decline - Research paper:
Objective subtle cognitive difficulties predict future amyloid accumulation and neurodegeneration - Not all sleep is equal when it comes to cleaning the brain
- Study: Deep Sleep Best for Brain ‘Cleaning,’ Emphasizes Link Between Sleep and Alzheimer’s
- Removing faulty brain cells staves off dementia in mice
- Zombie cells found in brains of mice prior to cognitive loss
- Research abstract:
Clearance of senescent glial cells prevents tau-dependent pathology and cognitive decline - Infectious Theory Of Alzheimer’s Disease Draws Fresh Interest
- neurosurgeons die from Alzheimer’s at a seven-fold higher rate than they do from other disorders.
- people whose spouses have dementia are at a six-times greater risk for the condition themselves
- Herpes linked to Alzheimer’s: Antivirals may help
- Alzheimer’s risk 10 times lower with herpes medication
- Herpes Viruses and Senile Dementia: First Population Evidence for a Causal Link
- Increased risk of dementia following herpes zoster ophthalmicus
- Epidemiology and long-term disease burden of herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia in Taiwan: a population-based, propensity score-matched cohort study
- Anti-herpetic Medications and Reduced Risk of Dementia in Patients with Herpes Simplex Virus Infections-a Nationwide, Population-Based Cohort Study in Taiwan.
- Researchers Find Herpes Viruses In Brains Marked By Alzheimer’s Disease
- A Common Virus May Play Role in Alzheimer’s Disease, Study Finds
- Childhood viruses linked to Alzheimer’s
- Alzheimer’s link to herpes virus in brain, say scientists
- Research article:
Multiscale Analysis of Independent Alzheimer’s Cohorts Finds Disruption of Molecular, Genetic, and Clinical Networks by Human Herpesvirus - New biological research framework for Alzheimer’s seeks to spur discovery
- Alzheimer’s disease redefined: New research framework defines Alzheimer’s by brain changes, not symptoms
- New Definition of Alzheimer’s Hinges on Biology, Not Symptoms
- Formal publications of the framework:
NIA-AA Research Framework: Toward a biological definition of Alzheimer’s disease
NIA-AA Research Framework: Toward a biological definition of Alzheimer’s disease - Brain inflammation sows the seeds of Alzheimer’s
- Do Microglia Spread Aβ Plaques?
- Original article:
Microglia-derived ASC specks cross-seed amyloid-β in Alzheimer’s disease - Chemical Appears to Restore Memory and Clear Alzheimer’s Protein in Mice
- Original article:
EPPS rescues hippocampus-dependent cognitive deficits in APP/PS1 mice by disaggregation of amyloid-β oligomers and plaques - Study: Synapse discovery could lead to new treatments for Alzheimer’s disease
- Original article:
Aβ-dependent reduction of NCAM2-mediated synaptic adhesion contributes to synapse loss in Alzheimer’s disease - Fungus, the bogeyman
- New Study Finds Link Between Fungus And Alzheimer’s
- Different Brain Regions are Infected with Fungi in Alzheimer’s Disease
- Alzheimer’s discovery could curb spread of disease, researchers say
- Alzheimer’s Research Holds Promise
- Brain That Changes Itself: into the abyss
- ‘Brain decline’ begins at age 27
- Bigger brain may mean less Alzheimer’s risk
- What links Alzheimer’s disease, the bridges of Konigsberg and Twitter?
- Alzheimer’s disease study: caveats aside, the findings are encouraging
- Alzheimer’s study finds possible cause of disease
- Dementia ‘halted in mice brains’
- Alzheimer’s ‘in a dish’ shows promise
- How significant are developments in making Alzheimer’s brain cells in the lab?
- Alzheimer’s Spreads in the Brain Like a Virus, Studies Find
- Trans-Synaptic Spread of Tau Pathology In Vivo
- Shrinking brains and ‘silent strokes’ studied
- Unique brain scan tracks disease
- A Protein’s Ebb and Flow
- Protein Suspected in Alzheimer’s May Be Needed to Fight Infection
- A Closer Look: Alzheimer’s studies focus on amyloid plaques and tau tanglescom
- Alzheimer’s Insights May Provide Attack Plan
- ‘We want to prevent people getting dementia’
- Scientists making strides to define crippling brain disease
- Brain may ‘compensate’ for Alzheimer’s damage
- Alzheimer’s study finds possible cause of disease
- Research on mice links fast food to Alzheimer’s