Memories — stolen by dementia, saved by family, friends, by caregivers, and by the patient — a writer — in his own essay:
As bittersweet as can be:
Couple Renews Wedding Vows After Husband With Alzheimer’s Disease Forgets He’s Married
Accepting a sufferer’s wonderful, wild story:
A Boyfriend Too Good to Be True
A family struggled to save a pianist’s music before Alzheimer’s could steal it, and a professional musician helped bring his music to life again:
Caring for a patient suffering from dementia means coming to terms with the frustrating paradoxes of memory and language:
The deviousness of dementia {An edited version of:} Hope Is the Enemy
Mothers, fondly and bittersweetly remembered:
Everything my mom remembers: Our love and memories, her Alzheimer’s
My Mother, Lost and Found
Terry Pratchett, fighting back:
‘A butt of my own jokes’: Terry Pratchett on the disease that finally claimed him
All the links are in Alzheimer’s > Coping & Caregivers > Coping Stories.