In an October post (Hearing Loss and Dementia) we examined several studies of the relationship between hearing loss and the onset of dementia. The present post is a follow-up to that October post. We list three additional studies of the dementia-hearing loss relationship, together with seven media articles on that relationship, and on the ability of hearing aids to slow the possible onset of dementia due to hearing loss.
Here are the seven media articles:
For Better Brain Health, Preserve Your Hearing
Link between hearing and cognition begins earlier than once thought
Mild Hearing Loss May Be Associated with Mental Decline in Seniors
Hearing Loss Linked to Dementia
Cognitive loss and hearing loss
Hearing Loss and Dementia: Breakthrough Research Seeks Causal Link
Here are the three studies on the association of hearing losss with dementia:
Association of Subclinical Hearing Loss With Cognitive Performance.
Association of Hearing Loss With Dementia
Relationship of Hearing loss and Dementia: a Prospective, Population-based Study
All links have been added to Aging and Risk Factors.