Information concerning aspects of the human aging process, including it’s affect on brain health and mental agility.
Distilled: Tips for Healthy Aging
Standalone page version of post distilling tips for aging well from many different web pages.
Agencies providing aging-related services.
Links Contributing To Distilled: Tips for Healthy Aging
List of links used to create Distilled: Tips for Healthy Aging.
Links to material on Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia.
From physical exercise and yoga to diet to coffee to mental exercise: what might help prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s.
Speaking Two Languages
The benefits of speaking two languages for holding back the onset of dementia.
Sites for Learning Languages
Some sites assisting the learning of a language.
The emerging values of caffeine and coffee for both dementia and life in general.
Vitamins & Select Foods
Using vitamins and various foods to fight off dementia.
Coping & Caregivers
Stories and info about dealing with Alzheimer’s.
Coping Stories
Real stories about dealing with Alzheimer’s, as victim and as caregiver.
Resource info and point-of-view articles about caring for Alzheimer’s patients.
Diagnosis & Tests
Info on promising methods for diagnosis of dementia and Alzheimer’s in particular.
Info on the rate of incidence of dementia.
Mental Exercise
Articles about brain exercises and dementia, and pointers to sites providing some exercises.
Neurology & Neuroplasticity
Neuroscience articles, with special emphasis on Alzheimer’s disease.
Progression & Distribution
Articles on how Alzheimer’s disease progresses in an individual, and how it tends to be distributed in the population.
Risk Factors
Links to articles and studies about factors possibly placing one at risk for Alzheimer’s or other dementias.
Articles about specifically genetic factors than can place one at risk.
Links to articles about possible therapies for Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.
Studies of drug trials aimed at therapies for Alzheimer’s and other dementias.
General & Resources
Warning signs, and a broad resource page.
Various educational, referral, and research Alzheimer’s-related organizations.
Other uncategorized articles relating to Alzheimer’s.
Chemo Brain
Also called chemo fog; Links to material on the mental effects (concentration and memory problems) of cancer chemotherapy.
Links to material on general health, diet, and physical exercise, and their affect on brain health and mental agility.
Information on studies of how diet affects health, in particular brain health, as well as longevity.
Physical Exercise
Material on the effects of physical exercise for preserving brain health.
Mental Agility
Links to material on mental agility and brain health.
Brain Exercises & Driving
Links to studies showing that brain exercises can aid elderly drivers.
Links to research papers concerning mental agility.
Links to material on neurology, neuroscience, and psychology.
Links to papers by the Kawashima research group, was well general information about the group and it work that led to the original “Brain Age” craze.
A selection of books dealing with brain health and related topics.