The benefits of speaking two languages for holding back the onset of dementia.
- Sites for Learning Languages
- Speaking More Than One Language Eases Stroke Recovery
- Languages help stroke recovery, study says
- Published research:
Impact of Bilingualism on Cognitive Outcome After Stroke [Abstract free; full text: paywall] - For a Better Brain, Learn Another Language
- Variety makes you (mentally) fit
- Speaking a second language may delay different dementias
- How to Learn 30 Languages
- Being bilingual wards off symptoms of dementia
- Being bilingual ‘boosts brain power’
- Why Speaking More than One Language May Delay Alzheimer’s
- The Secret to Learning a Foreign Language as an Adult
- Why Bilinguals Are Smarter
- Bilingualism delays onset of Alzheimer’s symptoms, study finds
- First physical evidence bilingualism delays onset of Alzheimer’s symptoms
- Brain Fitness – Learn a Language
- Bilingual? Dementia May Be Delayed
- Bilingualism is good for the brain, neuroscience researchers saycom
- Second language protects against Alzheimer’s
- 2 languages make your brain buff
- Bilingualism may buffer against Alzheimer’s
- The Bilingual Advantage
- From brain to language to accent
- Bilingualism, Aging, and Cognitive Control